Is it possible we've all been missing something extraordinary in life?
WATCH Joe reveal fascinating origins of Christmas customs on Prove All Things.
WATCH Joe at the 2023 Feast of Tabernacles.

WATCH Joe reveal fascinating origins of Christmas customs on Prove All Things.
WATCH Joe at the 2023 Feast of Tabernacles.
What we're about to learn will wake us up to a reality most of us never knew existed, as our minds accelerate to an incredible new speed.
The reason we're so oblivious is because we've all been operating at human speed, relying on our own physical power and our five senses. But there is something extremely important we've all been missing. It holds the key to everything good—the key to life, success, happiness, peace of mind, and understanding beyond our wildest imagination. It's perhaps the best-kept secret in the history of mankind and it packs a staggering, invigorating message that can change your life for the better—improving understanding, eliminating anxiety, and helping to extend your living years indefinitely. All we have to do is open our eyes and ears.
We're all inundated with this secret at all times. It's present in our favorite songs and movies, the stories we tell our children, and even in every commercial campaign! The secret is broadcast in famous news stories including the coronavirus pandemic, the sinking of the Titanic, or the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11. It's in ordinary life activities such as breathing, sleeping, waking up, traveling, sex, and getting married and changing one's name.
It is the means by which we can truly decipher virtually everything with which we're presented in life. It provides the ability to make the unseen visible, the unheard audible, and the complex simple. It carries the secret message on every frequency and every wavelength. It is a level of understanding that operates much faster than human speed. It's infinitely quick and alive.
Now, best-selling author and award-winning journalist Joe Kovacs reveals the solution—explaining the divine code that shifts our minds from operating at slow, human speed and making the jump to the incredibly quick "God speed."
Hundreds of ancient mysteries and prophecies are instantly unsealed as the master key that unlocks the mystery of everything has been unearthed and is now available to everyone.
This book has already rocketed to the #1 spot in more than one Amazon best-seller list, even before its official release.
Has the divine code finally been cracked? With our eyes and ears opened, we can instantly shift our minds from operating at slow, human speed and make the jump to the incredibly quick "God speed."
• Songs we all know and love, from top artists and bands including the Beatles, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Adele, U2, Frank Sinatra, Don McLean, Lady Gaga, Pink, the Cars, Simple Minds, the Doors, Rod Stewart, Bonnie Raitt, Led Zeppelin, the Bee Gees, Queen, the Cranberries, Fleetwood Mac, Dire Straits, Aerosmith, Paul McCartney, Huey Lewis & the News, Van Halen, the Captain & Tennille, John Cougar Mellencamp, Madonna, the Who, Katrina and the Waves, Rush, the Goo Goo Dolls, Gloria Estefan, the Animals, David Bowie, Bonnie Tyler, Pink Floyd and many more
• Blockbuster movies including Back to the Future, Die Hard, I Am Legend, Raiders of the Lost Ark, A Christmas Story, Blade, Edge of Tomorrow, Groundhog Day, National Treasure and more
• The stories we tell our children, from "Hansel and Gretel" and "Cinderella," to "The Wizard of Oz," "Snow White" and more
• Every commercial campaign you've ever heard, including "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!," "You Deserve a Break Today," "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing in Perfect Harmony," "The Quicker Picker Upper," "He Likes It! Hey Mikey!" and many more
• Historic news events such as the coronavirus pandemic, the sinking of the Titanic, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance and the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11
• Everyday sayings including "Rise and shine," "Cleanup needed in produce," "Runaway bride," "Baby on board," "You are what you eat," "Plenty of fish in the sea," "The new you," "Don't soil yourself" and many more
• Nature itself, from the nose on your face and digging in your garden, to looking under the most powerful microscope or probing deep space. There's an amazing reason the earth revolves around the sun – forget gravity, man. It's "heavier"
• Typical life activities such as inhaling every breath you take, sleeping, waking up, getting sick and being healed, teaching, traveling to any destination, having sex, getting married and changing one's name
Plus many more ...
• Easily explains how God embeds hidden messages forecasting the future in the physical, historical events recorded in Scripture
• Solves with clarity three of the greatest mysteries in Scripture, unveiling the surprisingly simple meaning of "the beast," "the number of the beast" and "the mark of the beast"
• Unveils who the woman caught in adultery actually represents, and spills the beans on Jesus writing in the dust with His finger – including what words He was likely scripting
• Unwraps the secret messages concerning the human birth of God, including the spirit significance of Jesus in a manger, the real reason the shepherds "returned," and the never-trumpeted, majestic picture the entire story depicts for your own glorious future
• Examines the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding, revealing why this famous event took place "on the third day," why water was poured into six large containers, and why its instant transformation into the most perfect wine has a sublime meaning that goes far beyond what anyone has ever discussed
• Unmasks the miracle of the blind man healed by washing mud off his eyes. Clue: There's something intriguing about the mud that becomes obvious when we connect the dots in Scripture
• Investigates the double meaning concerning "Doubting Thomas," and the stunning good news it contains for everyone who's ever doubted God or any Bible story
• Illuminates the reason the darkness of night will ultimately be eliminated, and only never-ending light will exist
• Reveals the incredible reason the Bible constantly mentions "three days" in both the Old and New Testaments. It goes far beyond the time Jesus spent in the heart of the earth
• Announces the unheard, spirit meaning regarding raising children
• Explains the incredible meaning behind serpents crawling on their bellies
• Broadcasts the never-before-trumpeted meaning of the Exodus out of Egypt. The ancient event in the days of Moses is actually a picture of something tremendous and glorious that's still to come in your future
• Shines the light on why ancient Egyptians were paralyzed with three straight days of darkness, while God's people in Goshen had light in their dwellings
• Illuminates the surprising and inspiring meaning of a "darkness that can be felt" (Hint: it's something you can do right this second)
• Explains what Jesus specifically meant by "outer darkness"
• Clearly reveals why the Bible repeatedly mentions pagan peoples such as Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Girgashites, Jebusites and Hivites. It goes far beyond these ancient tribes with tough-to-pronounce names, as it actually refers to certain people alive today with whom you deal every day
• Discloses the amazing reason Revelation says Jesus was crucified in Sodom and Egypt, while the gospels indicate he was executed at Jerusalem
• Tells why Scripture so often talks about thorns and thistles. They're far more than just sharp prickers growing in your garden
• Explores the untold meaning of the conflict between David and Goliath: it has gigantic significance that Sunday-school teachers seem to have missed
• Dishes the astounding secret behind the Second Passover, and the fantastic future it holds for billions of people
• Fishes out astonishing secret messages God has embedded in the famous story of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish. The scales will finally fall off your eyes when you finally see what you've been missing
• Unveils the sublime, additional meanings emanating from "Let there be light" and "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." There's much more to the beginning than you've ever imagined
Plus many more ...
Episode 1 of 'Shabbat Night Live'
Episode 2 of 'Shabbat Night Live'
Episode 3 of 'Shabbat Night Live'
Episode 4 of 'Shabbat Night Live'
Reaching God Speed can be ordered on Amazon right now as a paperback, as extraordinary demand has temporarily sold out hardcovers. Hardcovers may still be available at other booksellers, including Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and ConservativeReaders
Reaching God Speed is now an audiobook! You can also order your hardcover edition right now on Amazon or other booksellers, including the WND Superstore, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and ConservativeReaders
"Another inspiring and insightful book and resource on the Bible by Joe Kovacs."
– Hollywood legend Chuck Norris
"Even though there's nothing more important in this life than discerning God's direction and meaning for our lives, it's easy to miss in a world that always seems headed in the other direction. Fortunately, in Reaching God Speed, author Joe Kovacs, in a disarmingly lighthearted yet earnest and penetrating way, coaches the reader in how to detect God's transcendent and redemptive message in every area of life, even the most improbable."
– David Kupelian, journalist and author of The Marketing of Evil
"Joe Kovacs has done it again! Forget Shocked by the Bible and Shocked by the Bible 2, though they are masterful books about Scripture. Now he unlocks the hidden principles of God to help you know every jot and tittle."
– Joseph Farah, author of The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament
"Everyone understands the enemy's message permeates our world. Even in the classic comedy film Oh, God!, George Burns noted how 'Nobody had any problem believing that the devil took over and existed in a little girl. All she had to do was wet the rug, throw up some pea soup and everybody believed. The devil you could believe, but not God?'
"This is so true because few ministers or people of faith realize God is actually everywhere and involved in every single thing. That includes the books we read, the music we listen to and the movies we watch.
"We witness a spectacular dawn and we thank God for it. We understand the Creator made the clear, beautiful morning, but often don't realize the same God inspired some author, even those who hate or reject God, to deliver His messages of hope and warning in popular movies.
"Joe Kovacs' new book, Reaching God Speed, explains what most of us do not know about the real God. It's an eye-opening work that will make us better understand that in everything we do, God is present with HIS MESSAGE! So even though the devil may be embedded in music, God is also there, and deeper still!"
– Bob Barney, editor of
Joe Kovacs is the author of best-selling books including Reaching God Speed, Shocked by the Bible, Shocked by the Bible 2 and The Divine Secret. He's a Bible-believing Christian and an award-winning American journalist and broadcaster who's run newsrooms in television, radio, and online for more than 30 years, both in the United States and overseas.
He was managing editor at network TV news affiliates in Miami and West Palm Beach, Florida, as well as special projects editor for the Budapest Business Journal, having taught himself the Hungarian language to live in Central Europe. He spent 10 years on the air as a radio news anchor before running newsrooms in TV and on the internet.
A frequent media guest, Kovacs has appeared on The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, Shabbat Night Live, and countless radio programs across America and the world, including Coast to Coast AM, the Michael Savage Radio Show, Northsound 2 in Scotland, and Truth2U in Australia.
On a daily basis, Joe's work appears on the internet news powerhouse WND, known as "A Free Press for a Free People," a pioneer of online journalism since the 1990s. He has become well-known in his career for publishing thousands of intriguing news stories with compelling headlines and spectacular photos.
Besides news, Joe has become an expert in the veiled content of the Bible. Well-versed in both Old and New Testaments, he makes Scripture understandable and fun to people with longtime Bible exposure as well as those who have never cracked open the Good Book. In his unique way, Joe can explain God's message in an unbiased fashion without promoting any particular group. With nothing less than divine inspiration, Joe's latest work takes the Bible to a level that has never been reached before, elevating it from the physical level of human speed to the spirit level of God speed.
Media and others looking to contact Joe Kovacs about Reaching God Speed can do so here. He's available for interviews as well as personal appearances.
Email Joe now: Click the contact button below.
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